1) You still think tattoos are edgey.
2) You still believe that smoking makes someone tough and cool
3) You refer to women as broads
4) You refer to broads as chicks
5) You are still amazed every time you see breakdancing
6) You no-longer like music that has been re-made
7) You find sports like golf, and bowling increasingly intruigeing
8) You refuse to replace your DVD collection with blue-rays
9) You were also the last person to replace his VHS collection with DVD's
10) You are baffled by the I-pod's "wheel."
11) You continually comment on the overabundance of Starbucks
12) You often complain about never seeing 'Star-trek the next generation' re-runs
13) Every time you spot 'Big League Chew' you say "oooh."
14) You still contemplate whether MC Hammer was a great dancer, or was it those magnificent pants?
15) You can't believe you can take pictures with your telephone
16) You get overly excited when you see retro clothing at the mall
17) You still remember Jayne Seymour as "one spicey mamma."
18) You referance 'L.A Law' as the greatest legal drama ever made
19) You frequently immitate the sounds that an old dial up computer connection makes
20) You giggle at your dial-up connection impression
21) You get every SINGLE obscure reference on the 'Family Guy'
22) You insist the writers of 'Family Guy' must be "real cool dudes."
23) You smile every times Randy Jackson says, "dope," and no one laughs at him
24) You eagerly await anoher comedy from that youngster John Cusack
25) You watch 'deal or no deal' to see if Howie Mandell will put a rubber glove on his head
26) You talked about Rocky 6 for weeks before it's release
27) You still compare every great videogame to 'golden-eye'
28) You talk about that one great snow storm that was like no other
29) You know who played in Super bowl I
30) You love humerous bumper-stickers
31) You can't figure out how to scilence the messagging noises on your IM
32) You mute your entire PC to over IM noises
33) Somewhere in your basement you own 'Jarts' thye lawn darts game
34) Every summer you bum rush the 'slip n' slide' trying desperately to emulate that dam commercial
35) The only way you are exposed to modern music is by watching 'American Idol'
36) You still plan to eventually conquer the 'Rubix Cube'
37) You DVR the A-team every chance ytou get
38) Every time you watch the late show you wonder what ever happened to Connans side kick? You know, that guy that was actually funny
39) You know all of the 'Golden Girls' names. First and last
40) Every comedian you ever liked now hosts a game-show. You also notice that Jeff Foxworthy hosts a game show
41) every time another Jurassic park comes out you say: "It's about time."
42) You think fast zombies are an obscenity
43) You can't fathom Eddie murphy making family comedies
44) You still wonder how pumping up your sneakers can possibly help
45) You are still laughing about Randy Jackson saying "Dope"
46) You insist that clothing sizes run smaller than they used to
47) You fantascize about napping more than sex
48) In the morning you no longer have the strength to hold off relieving yourself untill after you have made the coffee
49) You count CSI as mental stimulation
50) You once rode the party line, but now say that all politicians are full of crap