Thursday, May 11, 2006

PS3 too much money?

Here is a few lines from a story about the upcoming release of PS3, and it's shocking cost of $599.

"But at $599, is Sony is pushing - or perhaps even crossing - the line on what consumers will be willing to pay for games?
Sony executives have insisted the PS3's pricing is appropriate, given all its high-tech innards."

--There you have it. It’s a reasonable price for all them high- tech innards! I know my high-tch innards, and this is a fair price.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Reader E-mail

Holly from N.Y: “You sir, are an abomination! So dreadful a human being that I pitty the immediate dark world around you.”
Much love to you too Holly

Bill from N.J: “I can’t believe how insensitive you are. You don’t know the first thing about being funny, humor isn’t about hurting peoples feeling or making crude jokes about women.”
Bill you’re an idiot….enough said.

Mary from Florida: “You sick pig! I caught my boyfriend reading your page, and I slapped him across the face.”
Come on Mary, you know it’s the first time in moths that the old man was smiling when you snuck up on him.

Jeremy from N.Y: “Hysterical friend, simply hysterical. Brilliant stuff, how can you be so funny, yet so serious and topical at the same time?”
That’s a fine question Jeremy, I guess I’m just lucky.

Question for the audience

I do an excessive amount of driving this time of year, and that time in the car is usually occupied by the off-key sketchy sounds of my own voice. I always sing when alone, and on long trips, and like you when I turn the volume down it is so shocking that I shudder to think what Simon Cowell would say about it. Then again there is always something that is the “best of the worst” So my question to everyone out there is this: If someone put a gun to your head, and told you your life depended on your being able to sing one song, as best you can. What is that song? My personnel answer is “A matter of Trust,” by Billy Joel, followed by “Code of Silence,” by Billy Joel.

So what is your song America? What makes you arch you eyebrows and look into that review mirror and say “not too shabby” I’m curious.

American Disaster

This is a sad, sad day for the entertainment world. Chris Daughtry voted off of American Idol last night, in what was probably the most gut wrenching thirty seconds in the history of reality television. I am certain that I have never been that mortified in all of my life. My mouth wide open, and completely flabbergasted, I just kept expecting Ryan to say he was joking, or he made a mistake. HOW CAN THIS HAVE HAPPENED? Without question Chris is the single most talented performer in the five-year history of American Idol, and clearly something has to change. Idol is now completely without credibility for me, who ever wins will most certainly be 100 times LESS talented than the ninth person voted off. Perhaps a format needs to exist where the judges may each over-rule one of Americans decisions. All I really know is that I will never ever watch that program again. Tuesday night, what have you got for me?????

Who in the hell is voting for Taylor Hicks? Yeah he’s ok, but he is also as big a sideshow as was John Peter Lewis. Put that clown on a record, and it wouldn’t be good enough to entertain a Karaoke crowd. I hope all of you lousy shut-ins out there are happy. Every dumb ass 60 year old bag lady who voted for Taylor, because you have now robbed me of the pleasure of hearing a great artist on a weekly basis. You shall never be forgiven, and this day will live on in infamy.

So it will be the same-old same-old pop star jammed down our throats, but this time most of us can't complain about asked for it!