Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Book of Eli

It's only once in a great while that a film comes along, so compelling and wonderfully complex and discrete in its story telling that it has you thinking about it and pondering it's possible messages for days on end. When that does happen, it is oh so sweet, and the Book of Eli is just this kind of fantastic movie making. I could shower the Book of Eli with accolades for several hours on end, and never truly do it justice. Part of what made me so pleasantly surprised at this movie was how it was marketed. Upon seeing the previews to this film one would have imagined that it was going to be a fun, yet run of the mill post-apocalyptic action movie. Much to my surprise The Book of Eli is anything but run of the mill. This is movie making at it's best. A more thoughtful, and though provoking story telling you will not find, and it's because of one of holly woods lost arts. The art of subtlety! Making people think about the story, and it's messages. We have gotten to a point, sadly, where every message in a movie has to be concrete and heavy handed, lost is the wonderful subtle style of The Book of Eli. Much like some of the greatest Russian Literature of our time like "Crime and Punishment," Sometimes themes are better off when they meant to be pondered and examaned, rather than concrete black and white themes like movies such as "Crash," which is about as subtle as a swift kick in the nuts. It's hard for me to go too in-depth with the plot and not destroy the experience for you, and it is an experience. Denzel Washington, and Gary Oldman deliver powerhouse performances, as per their usual. In a film that is character, and idea driven these two actors were perfect for these roles. roles that are so much larger than you can imagine, or that first meets the eye, but you'll be pondering these characters for a week after you see the film. I won't go any further talking about Eli, because I want people to see this masterpiece with fresh eyes that haven't already been tainted by short sighted reviewers. I will say this, see this movie, and be preppared for great film, not a mindless action picture.

Rating: six and a half out of seven stars.


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