WOW!!! Bio-shock for X-box 360 is positively insane! When it comes to chalenge, story, graphics, and fun look no further. This is one first peron shooter that could make Halo 3 seem like a let down. From it's unbelievably beauitful environments, to it's unique style of combat Bio-shhock challenges the player to find their own combination of powers and abilities to dispatch bad guys. Constantly altering your genetic code to gain a myriad of cool powers, from telekenises to weilding flame. Fighting in Bio-shock never gets stle. Also neat is the ability to research bad guys. Armed with camera you may photograph your foes and reveal their weaknesses, making ammo selection that much more important. I also like the ability to save your progress at any time durring the game, this makes Bio that much playable since a large block of time is not necessary to enjoy it. All in all this is some of the most innovative and fun gameing in recent memory. I'll report back a more detailed review, upon completion but for now buy this game!! Now, today!
Well written article.
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