Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gay rights groups are clearly prejudice

Here is a snipit taken from "Some local and national gay rights groups have questioned Dungy's decision to appear at a fundraising banquet this month for the institute, which has been a leading supporter of a proposed state constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between one man and one woman".

The institute in question is a conservative christian group, but I question the wisdom of making such bold acusations against coach Dungey just for making a key note adresse. don't think for a second that this isn't discrimination, and downright slander. I shudder to think what would be said if Elton John was accused of being anti-semitic for attending a Mel Gibson movie premiere. There comes a time when every "Equal rights" group gets just a tad too big for their britches, and begins runnign rampant through society with the righteous indigation of Nelson Mandella himslef. I for one have had enough of the double standard, and we are now ready for these poor downtrodden control freak groups to shut the hell up. Even if Coach Dun gy didn't believe in same sex what, this is still America isn't it? Since when is it a crime to disagree in this country? There is a very dangerous trend lately for for certain issues to be treated as matters of fact, and not as opinion which they most certainly are. Issues aren't black and white, they are not right and wrong, they are matters of opinion for open debate amounst the masses. This is America isn't it?


Blogger DHK said...

I certainly agree with this one - a lot ! I to am really tired of the double standards that exists and are growing rapidly in this county.

6:56 PM  

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