Monday, February 26, 2007

The Academy Awards or a party for Al Gore???

Rarely have I seen an award show degenerate into a love fest like last nights 76th annual "I love Al Gore" awards show. I almost went into a diabetic coma watching star after star salivate over Al Gore, the only thing keeping me from truly being warm and fuzzy was the message of impending global doom being shoved down my throat. At one point I was sure Leonardo DiCaprio would get down on all fours and truly thank Al Gore for all of his brave work, which is ironic because at the beginning of the evening I was sure the only open mouth kiss would be between Elen DeGeneres and Melissa Ethridge. Thankfully the shows un-funny, and unentertaining format was saved by a hilarious bit by Jerry Seinfeld, although it was lost on the out of touch celebrities. I should also mention that Jack Nicholson sure is cool in his shades (try to imagine a slightly sarcastic tone of voice).

The good part of this awards show was the results for a change. A well deserved best picture award to the fabulous film, "The Departed." I thought "The Departed," was an excellent look at the gangster life in the modern day era, complete with an great cast rounded out by the very funny Alec Baldwin. I was also happy to see Alkan Arkin take home a Oscar for his supporting role in "Little Miss Sunshine," an excellent film that most certainly would not have flown without the hysterical work of Arkin. It was refreshing to see movies win Oscars that were actually seen by the public for a change, as opposed to a bunch of politically charged boor-feasts that no one wanted to pay to see.


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