Friday, March 17, 2006

Flight plan more like make other plans

I try not to step on the toes of my good friends at great movie blog, but I don’t think they’ll mind my talking about a few old films. I will make one comment on the newly released V for Vendetta, it was superb. I can’t say the same for the ill fated “Flight plan” It has been a long time since I have sat through such a boring piece of crap like that. At first I thought I had made a mistake and was watching “Panic Room 2” but much to my dismay it wasn’t even as good as that would have been. It was actually cruel to almost suck us into the intrigue of what in the world happened to that poor woman’s daughter? It must be some amazing sinister plot right? There must be some reason why these alleged kidnappers would needed to fetch up such an elaborate plan? Sadly our answer is no, there is no good reason. The assailant is the most obvious of people in the air marshal, and his demands are sadly cleyshayed. “I want fifty million dollars, and a jet standing by”….are you joking? For the love of god! Not to mention the fact that the entire plan was predicated on the fact that none on the dam plane noticed the little girl to begin with. The entire plan would have been foiled had Jodi Foster not boarded the plane first, or had the flight attendant noticed them coming in. The funny thing is the flight attendant who is in on this ‘clever heist’ isn’t even the one who worked the gate, and had the bad memory. If it were my film, I would have made the girl who was in on it, having been the one who doesn’t remember seeing the little girl, that’s just me…and anyone else with half a brain!!!!! This is such a stupid movie with a lot of build up for a tired old plot, that isn’t even executed all that well. Jodi Foster may have a reputation for being picky, but that’s two stinkers in a row by my count.


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