Thursday, March 02, 2006

American Idol, a one man show

American Idol is officially a one-man race. I was tuned in Wednesday night, as I am every week, to watch the boys sing. It was pretty much business as usual, a lot of goofy performances, some boring country and western attempts, and the usual banter between Simon and the three retards he has to talk to. All in all, it was the usual entertainment I have come to expect from an evening of American Idol, accept for the fact that Randy has lost his marbles (more on that later), and then Chris Daughtry took the stage and everything about American Idol changed on the spot. Last week Daughtry sang an amazing version of “Wanted dead or alive” by Bon Jovi, but he couldn’t possibly do that well again, could he? Not only did Chris do as well as last week, but he probably did better than any other contestant in the history of American Idol. Chris performed some ‘fuel’ and rocked the house so hard, that I completely forgot I was watching armatures on American Idol. I have never heard an armature sound that well before, Daughtry’s ability to sign rock n’ roll is more impressive than most signer’s. I think a lot of people can sound alright doing ‘pop’ Clay Aiken, and Ace are a dime a dozen, but I think it’s dam hard to sound great doing rock. Not only rock, but rock that is very fresh in our minds, Chris does songs we have all heard very recently but still manages to do it so well that it doesn’t come off as an impersonation. It’s a big risk to sign to Jovi, and Fuel and not come off as someone trying to do a complete replication, but Chris has unique, and strong enough voice to set that line of thinking off to the side completely. Daughtry also looks very natural on stage, and is totally realistic as a rock star. Chris will win this show easily (as long as they don’t make him sign classical one week) and is by the far the greatest performer in American Idol history; he will give the show some well-needed credibility.

Rand Jackson has lost his mind! I expect Paula to be a dope, that’s what she is, but Randy used to be as intelligent as Simon when it cam to realistically judging the contestants. This season Randy like everything, and there have been some horrific performances. Last night Jackson gave ‘props’ to Kevin Covais for his version of ‘grapevine’ the song was terrible, and Kevin sounded like a wet cat in a bag. Randy later dogged Jose ‘sway’ Panela who actually sounded pretty good signing Stevie Wonder. Jackson and Paula also gave compliments to Ace who really didn’t sound very good last night at all. I don’t know what is going on with randy Jackson, especially for someone who is supposedly in the ‘biz’ but it doesn’t matter how silly he is because this is Daughtry’s competition to lose. Maybe Paula has been making Randy dumber by association, theoretically Seacrest would have that effect on everyone there.


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