Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Comedy Central can go to hell

(I can't get enough of this hilarious cartoon)

Shame on Comedy central! The “edgy” station recently refused to air satirical images of “The Prophet Muhammad” on an episode of South Park. Frankly I am sick and tired of the hypocrisy, of people in the general media. South Park frequently takes pot shots at Catholics, and all other types of religion, and Jesus is often pictured and sati red. Why are Muslims off limits? Is it because they are dangerous? Will we not make fun of Muhammad because we are afraid to be blown to smithereens? Or have we come to the point in this country that we are so overly sensitive to every jackass who complains, that we are actually nicer to people that want to KILL us than to our own neighbors? I for one have had enough of this nonsense, no religion is great that it can’t take a pot shot or two, but no religion deserves it more than the Muslims.

I said it before, and I’ll say it again: Muslims are dangerous violent people, and they should be ridiculed as much as possible! I have never in my life heard the word ‘Muslim’ without it being attached to a story about violence!


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