Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hurricane Anferney knocks over a gas station!

Can you imagine opening the newspaper and seeing that headline? You would think a boxer lost his marbles and went on a crime spree. Unfortunately Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) thinks there should be hurricane names that sound black. This is not a joke, an elected official actually said this. Sheila Jackson even went so far as to say that the current name for storms are too “lily white.” Sounds to me like someone is a racist, and it isn’t the weatherman.


Blogger burntmedia said...

What weather ma are we going to find that can pronounce those names anyway?By the time you can say "Get out! Tropical Storm Sheniqua's coming" 100 people are already dead.

Why not just insist that people rap the weather so it sounds less white?

11:58 PM  

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