Friday, February 03, 2006

Simon is American Idol, and what happened to Letterman?

I am so sick of hearing people bad mouthing Simon Cowell on television. “He’s so mean, why does he say those thing?” I saw Randy Jackson on the Daily show with Jon Stewart and they were talking about how unnecessarily mean Simon is. Am I the only person that realizes that there is no American Idol without Simon Cowell? Do you know how painfully boring that show would be if the three judges were constantly blowing smoke up everyone’s tail pipes like Paula Abdul? Telling somebody something nice after a horrific outing is more insulting than a jibe anyway. Abdul would have told the captain of the Titanic: “You made a mistake, but you have a beautiful spirit.” It’s cute sentiment, but now worth my half an hour of T.V time. If Cowell isn’t there neither am I

When did David Letterman stop telling jokes? The last few times I have seen “the Late Show” it’s been Dave trying to say something political. I saw him have Oprah on the other night, talking about Africa and other world issues for a half an hour, come on. If I want to hear about world issues I’ll go to MNBC and listen to people who are only mildly retarded, not The David Letterman Show. It’s sad too because he used to be funny, I want to see Dave making jokes not kissing Oprahs butt like she the president of CBS.


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