Monday, January 23, 2006


O-my God!

I was channel surfing today when I happened upon the Oprah Winfrey show and realized the true meaning of self improtant. Oprah was in the midst of a two part special on terrorist attacks. This twit was having a round table "discussion" on issues ranging from 9/11 to the war in Iraq. Oprah actually said "global positioning" while gesticulating a tiny world with her hands. Has this high class Jerry Springer actually become so self-absorbed that she thinks anyone cares what she thinks about Afhganistan? Does she realise that her uneducated, out of work, trailer park, bed ridden audience isn't capable of grasping issues any more complex than the Brad Pitt versus Jennifer Aniston saga? The Oprah show is important to world news like the muppets Statler and Waldorf is important to the Oscars. This riveting Opah show was complete with the thoughts of Bill Clinton, courtesy of a taped video. I know I'm a layman, but since Clinton doesn't currently hold any public office of any kind, and has virtually no important influence over the current issues at hand, I find his appearance to be fittingly absurd. Give ua all a break a go back to selling bubble gum Oprah!


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