Monday, August 27, 2007

Ever get jilted and regret your actions?

Have you ever really been in love with someone, and it didn't work out? You gave it your all, and fought tooth and nail for your relationship survival. It doesn't happen very often, in fact being in love is a feet far too rare in this day and age. People get used up and spit out so furiously that you don't even remember whose bra is whoso half the time. On those rare occasions that you find yourself getting separated from someone truly special to you, those times are unforgettable aren't they. Perhaps made even more special by that rarity of connection in our busy modern world of wham bam thank you mam. Have you ever acted truly foolish after being jilted by someone you loved? Have you ever cared about someone so much that you disregarded your most core need of being cool, independent, coy, and nonchalant. You acted desperate, pitiful, and....maybe felt a little disgraced afterwards. You regret your actions, your phone calls, you wish you had been cool about it. It makes you mad that you gave the other person all of the power, and let them know that you are destroyed. You feel embarrassed, dis empowered, weak, and sad.

I have recently found myself in these shoes. After a long relationship with someone I loved, I was dumped and acted like the before mentioned jack-ass. In a full blown panic, I left behind my resilient care-free attitude and sullied my good reputation with a series of terribly regrettable actions....but do I really regret them? I was mad, upset, sad, devastated, and back to the beginning again. Even though the ego in me wants to dam myself to hell for acting so weak in this time, another part of me is glad I did it. Being intimately connected to another human is something that just doen't happen enough. That range of emotion and feeling just isn't soemthing to wish away, It's how you know your truly alive! This is why it's great to be a human being, beacuse you feel and emote. You exerience life through an emotional standpoint, unlike other animals that merely seek to survive. Even though you think that you have hit your lowest possible point, you haven't. You have reached the peak of true humanity. Although, I feel stupid right now and I'm addmitidly on the dramatic side, the truth is I wouldn't change a God dam thing. You have just been in love, and most people don't get to go through that very many times if at all. The next time your breaking up with someone and it's far too easy, you will look back on your so called foolishness, and wish to hell that it was hard like that one.

Don't wish away the hard times. Don't regret your idiotic behaivor. If you get caught up in pure emotion, your one up on most of world, and living life the way it should be lived. All in!


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