Friday, August 24, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I enjoy the summer months as much as the next guy, but when it's time for Autumn to rear it's ugly head there is much to be thankful for. Sure the dog days of summer are nearly over, and there will be no more floating in the swimming pool or rollerblading. However; there will be entertainment! It's about time for those lawn mowing Sundays to turn into every mans man fantasy, of sitting on his duffy for twelve straight hours drinking beer, and eating cheap orange cheese on tortilla chips. What I'm talking about is the return of Americas favorite obsession, the national football league. From that first Thursday night kick-off to the Superbowl a lifetimes worth of fond friends, memories, and pizza boxes. There will be emotional highs and lows, there will battles won and lost. There will graceful acrobatics, and there will devastating brutality. Many wars fought, many beers drunk, and all of these things will happen every single Sunday in the magic that is an NFL Sunday. So prepare yourselves men! Loosen up those index fingers, buy some beer and prepare to be elated by not moving a muscle, a feet that happens far too infrequently.

Enjoy boys! Our time is now.


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